In addition to regular payment plans offered through LeagueApps, we offer a payment plan and financial aid through FACTS Management.
FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment is an independent, third party company that conducts financial analysis to determine your family’s financial need.
Financial aid is awarded on a financial need basis. Anyone seeking a payment plan longer than the 5 Month LeagueApps offer must first fill out a FACTS financial aid request.
Any financial aid awarded will be credited towards the FACTS Payment Plan.
Competitive teams require a full year commitment and all payment plans payments must be fulfilled for the full year of tuition. Any refunds will considered in accordance with the club's refund policy.
For more information about the Facts Financial Aid program click on the link below.
Any family that needs to extend their payments longer than the 5-month plan will need to request financial aid through FACTS. You must complete the financial aid request in FACTS before setting up a payment plan.
Vouchers will not be distributed until a Financial Aid Application is filled out and filed.
Once you have completed the Financial Aid Application, you will need to call Martha (BOYS) or Suzie (GIRLS) in the office 504-465-8224.

Martha Valdin Mvaldin@lafiresoccer.com
Suzie Manning Smanning@lafiresoccer.com
Additional need based assistance may be available for qualified families through: